#Xara designer pro7 series#
As you approach another object a series of snapping guides appear and offers the most appropriate options. When you drag a selected object around the page, a red dashed outline indicates the point from which the object was dragged.
Object Snapping has been totally reinvented. Magic Erase works better with some images than others, such as the image above. You can use Undo/Redo to review your results. And you can repeat this and audition different results and pick the one that works best. Not only that, if you press the Magic Erase button again a different algorithm is employed and produces a slightly different result. As you can see, you draw an outline around an object that you want to eliminate, Press Magic Erase and in seconds the object is removed. Magic Erase is a function of the Clone Tool. Magic Erase - What you just witnessed in the video above is a new feature called Magic Erase. Watch the video above and then we’ll discuss what is taking place.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then this video speaks volumes. But first here are some of the new non-web features. I’ll cover the web and presentation features later on. Each of the transitions with the exception of Instant can be set for a specific duration so the transition can be very quick, or very leisurely, or anything in between. There are also 10 transition effects for layers including Fade demonstrated above. There are 22 different page transitions that provide a bit of animation and pizazz when your visitors go to a new page or even leave your site to visit an external link. You just saw the first new feature when you clicked the First Look button, Page Transitions.